사는 이야기40 Vienna, Austria (The First Day) July 23rd, 2009 폴란드에서 8시간이나 기차를 타고 도착한 곳은 오스트리아 Vienna이다. 그냥 느낌만으로도 도시 전체가 예술로 가득할 것만 같은? 도착하자마자 호텔을 찾고, west bahnhof(서부 기차역)으로 갔다. 비엔나에서 일정을 마치고 독일로 돌아갈때, 밤시간을 이용하고자... 시간을 절약하게 되었지만, 1일치 숙박요금이 ticket 교환요금으로 고스란히 들어갔다. 어쨌거나 떠나는 기차는 일요일 (July 26th) 밤 10시 40분이다. 티켓을 바꾸고 나서는 그냥 걸었다. 걸으면서 고풍스러운 건출물을 구경했고, 목적지은 University of Vianna까지 무사히... Vienna 대학은 크지는 않지만 캠퍼스가 상당히 아름다웠다. 호텔을 나와서 기차역을 들르고 대학교까지 한.. 2009. 8. 1. Krakow, Poland (The last day) July 22nd, 2009 길다고 생각했던 Poland에서의 일주일이 후딱 지나갔다. 내내 학회 session만 들었으면 아마 지금쯤 완전히 지쳐서 초토화 되었을텐데... 난 토요일(July 18th)에 parallel session에서 나의 talk이 끝나자마자 학회는 거~의 안중에도 없었고 여기저기 관광을 하면서, 힘들면 길거리 나무그늘 아래 앉아서 책도 읽고... 아주~~ 이상적이로 환상적인 일주일을 보낼 수 있었다. 월요일에는 혼자서 Weiliczka Salt Mine에도 가고..그곳에서 한국사람 몇명을 만났는데.. 그중 한명은 "용해주"라고 나와 나이가 같은 친구인데, KIA Global Leadership progrma에 뽑혀서 왔다고 한다. 참 인상 좋고 멋진 친구라 생각했었다. 어제 저녁.. 2009. 7. 31. Krakow, Poland (Wieliczka Salt Mine) The Wieliczka Salt Mine is located at approximately 10 km far from Krakow city. Thanks to the good transportation system, I can easily find salt-mine. Meiliczka Salt Mine is specified by the UNESCO world culture. This is the ticket. The ticket price itself is 64 PLN, plus I need to pay an additional charge for a photograph (10 PLN TT). Tooooooo expensive.... To reach our destination, we have to .. 2009. 7. 21. Krakow, Poland (CITY TOUR AND CAPELLA CRACOVIENSIS) July 20, 2009. I did a nothing special today. I just visit to Galleria which is very closed to Krakow Train Station. After looking around a mall, I wrote cards to my Korean friends and sent them. Still, I have to do something more before taking a Concert at night. As a purpose of spending a time, I read a book by sitting on a bench inside Krakow city. It was a time, one hour before starting the .. 2009. 7. 21. Krakow, Poland (Dunajec River Gorge) July 19, 2009 (Sunday) The excursion day!! It's unbelievable. why rain drops rather than sun shine? It was too heavy rain and very cold (about 15 degrees of C) today. Actually, the tour guide said to us "well, I don't think we can do a rafting today 'cause of rain..." .. So, many of people were disappointed after hearing that news. During the time our trip to Dunajec river, it doesn't look like .. 2009. 7. 20. Krakow, Poland (The old Jewish town) July 18, 2009. Wow.... It was crazy weather. The photons which has an energy equivalent to 33 degrees of C were striking on my whole body so that my skin was attacked by ultra-violet. The things that have drawn my attention was people's thinking about the skin therapy. Most people (actually, almost all the people) do not protect their skin. They just expose their body to the strong sun. It was c.. 2009. 7. 20. 이전 1 ··· 3 4 5 6 7 다음